Your trusted cleaning Solution in Adelaide.

End of Lease Cleaning

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At Shiny Cleaning, we understand the importance of leaving your rental property in pristine condition at the end of your lease. Our end of lease house cleaning service is designed to help tenants and landlords alike achieve a spotless and move-in-ready property.

Experience the difference of our end of lease house cleaning service! Our dedicated cleaner from Shiny Cleaning meticulously attends to every detail, ensuring that your rental property is left immaculate and ready for inspection. Trust Shiny Cleaning to help you get your full bond refund.

Why Invest in End of lease house cleaning?

Guaranteed of Bond Back

Our One of the primary goals of end of lease cleaning is to ensure that tenants receive their full bond back. By thoroughly cleaning the property according to the landlord's expectations, tenants can increase their chances of getting their bond back in full.

Save Time and Effort

At shiny cleaning an entire property to the standard required for an end of lease inspection can be time-consuming and labour-intensive. Professional cleaners have the expertise, tools, and resources to efficiently clean the property, saving tenants time and effort.

Meet Lease Agreement

Many lease agreements stipulate that tenants must return the property in a clean and tidy condition at the end of their lease term. End of lease cleaning helps tenants fulfill this requirement and avoid any penalties or disputes with the landlord.

Our regular house cleaning service inclusions

Please find full check list of Once off cleaning service. Click Here

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Frequently Asked Questions

Shiny Cleaner: Your Questions Answered, Your Space Transformed.

  • What house cleaning services does Shiny Cleaning offer?

    Shiny Cleaning offers a comprehensive range of house cleaning services to meet your needs. Our services include regular cleaning, deep cleaning, Vacate cleaning, once off cleaning, customize cleaning, move-in/out cleaning, post-construction cleaning, and more

  • How often should I schedule house cleaning with Shiny Cleaning

    The frequency of house cleaning depends on your preferences and property size. We offer flexible scheduling options, including weekly, fortnightly, monthly, or one-time cleanings, to accommodate your needs

  • Can I request specific cleaning tasks to be included in my house cleaning service?

    Absolutely! Yes, At Shiny Cleaning, we understand that every home is unique. You can customize your house cleaning service by requesting specific tasks or areas to be cleaned, such as bathrooms, kitchens, bedrooms, or common areas, windows, oven and more.

  • Do I need to provide cleaning supplies and equipment for the house cleaning service?

    No, you don’t need to worry about providing cleaning supplies or equipment. Shiny Cleaning brings all the necessary supplies and equipment needed to clean your home efficiently and effectively.

  • Are the cleaners from Shiny Cleaning trained and experienced?

    Yes, all cleaners at Shiny Cleaning are highly trained professionals with extensive experience in house cleaning. They undergo rigorous training to ensure they meet our high standards of quality and professionalism. Our all cleaners have National crime check and insured.

  • Will the same cleaners come to clean my house each time?

    We strive to provide consistency and build trust with our clients. While we cannot guarantee the same cleaners for every service, we make every effort to assign familiar faces whenever possible to ensure continuity and familiarity.

  • What safety measures does Shiny Cleaning have in place during house cleaning?

    Shiny Cleaning prioritizes the safety of our clients and employees. Our cleaners follow strict safety protocols, including wearing masks and gloves, practicing social distancing, and using eco-friendly cleaning products.

  • What if I’m not satisfied with the house cleaning service?

    Your satisfaction is our top priority at Shiny Cleaning. If you’re not satisfied with any aspect of the service, please let us know at filling our contact us form with your concern from our website at or call to 0406 958 557 and we’ll make it right as soon as possible. We offer a satisfaction guarantee and will address any concerns promptly.

  • Can we leave you a key?

    At booking with Shiny cleaning a regular service, we endeavour to send the same team every time. That team is responsible for handling and storing keys in a safe and secure location. We are responsible for lost keys and replacement of locks should it be necessary.

  • How do I schedule a house cleaning service with Shiny Cleaning?

    Scheduling a house cleaning service with Shiny Cleaning is easy! Simply visit our website at to book online or give us a call at 0406 958 557 to speak with one of our friendly representatives. We’ll work with you to find a convenient time for your cleaning service.

Request a free quote now!


We’re ready to work with you to plan, conduct, and maintain a cleaning program that works for you and your needs. Please leave your details in this free quote form and one of our shiny cleaning representatives will contact you shortly.


Client Testimonies: Experience with Our Cleaners